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Losing Weight Through Walking, the Dos and Don’ts

In our pursuit to have a healthier, fitter body, we tend to hear plenty of advice from fitness gurus and gym junkies. Intermittent fasting, morning yoga, keto diet, gym sessions—these and many more ways to cut down your fats can be so overwhelming.

Why not try something simple and free like walking. Though walking is an underestimated physical activity as we do it daily. Did you know that it is scientifically proven that you can walk your way to a slimmer body? 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), brisk walking even reduces your risk of developing breast and colon cancer, chronic blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and even depression, among others.

Interested in starting your walking regimen? Follow this guide to cut your calories through walking:

Walking is something you can do on the daily

Talk to Your Doctor

Make sure that you check in with your doctor first before starting your workout. If you have issues like severe headaches, dizziness, chest pain and other pre-existing health issues like high blood pressure and heart disease, make sure to ask for professional advice.

Wear the Right Shoes and Clothes

Pick the right size of your walking shoes. Mayo Clinic says that it is important to get the pair that best fits you to prevent discomfort, blisters, and calluses.

As for clothing, avoid wearing rubber-based or plastic-based fabric. Clothes that are not breathable will keep your sweat from evaporating.

Follow an Exercise Plan

Pick an exercise plan that suits you. Start with shorter walking duration and gradually increase your exercise activity. 

American Heart Association has released a simple Six-Week Beginner Walking Plan that starts you off with 10-15 minutes of walking per day. Upon reaching week six, you will walk at least 30 minutes daily.

Make sure you have the right shoes for you to prevent injury or blisters

Focus on Your Posture

WHO said that walking regularly in the proper posture for 30 minutes, five days a week, is quite beneficial to your health.

Being mindful of your posture is important to prevent back, hip, and joint pains. To achieve good posture, look forward, stand tall and straight. Do not slouch, and keep your shoulders relaxed. Engage your core and glutes as well.

Increase Your Pace

Take your walking up a notch by increasing your speed in intervals to lose more calories. Start by doing a warm-up for 5-10 minutes, walking maximally fast for 3-5 minutes; just enough to not lose your breath. Cooldown and continue with your normal pace, and repeat speed increase from time to time.

Aim For More

Now that you are healthier than ever, challenge yourself to increase your steps per day. You can achieve it by doing as simple as ditching the elevator and taking the stairs or walking to the grocery store, office, or school. You can also multitask and walk your dog every day while spending quality time together.

Hit two birds with one stone by taking your dogs out for walks around the neighborhood or a park

Before trying any kind of workout, it is best to consult a professional to see if brisk walking is suitable for your current condition. 

Wearing the appropriate pair of shoes and clothing will help you do the exercise comfortably and effectively. 

Having an exercise plan keeps you guided to your daily goal. Be mindful of your posture and tighten your abdominal muscles and glutes while you are at it. 

You can also challenge yourself by increasing your pace in between intervals and aiming for more steps each day.

Lastly, walking lets you enjoy the effects of a healthier body and entire well-being. 

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