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Here’s Why Meghan Markle Speaking About Her Mental Health Issues Matters

Mental health is no taboo. In fact, it’s one of the growing concerns that, thankfully, a large section of the world has learned to think of as normal. Research has proven that people who look out for mental health support have intensified their search after celebrities decided to disclose their brush with this issue. Thanks to these persistent negative thoughts and attitudes, people who experience symptoms characterizing ill mental health end up feeling lonely and ashamed. If you are hesitant about speaking up regarding your mental health issues, you may take a lesson from the story of Meghan Markle.

The Story of Markle

When close ones or let’s say renowned celebs take to social media or interviews on TV channels, it creates a profound impact. In one of her interviews on CBS with Oprah Winfrey, the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has revealed her trysts with depressive states and even suicidal thoughts when she was pregnant. Experts have pointed to the fact that Meghan’s openness about her experiences has helped and will continue doing so for many others about how common they are. Most importantly, instead of fretting and regretting, they would be ready to see medical intervention and treatment.

New evidence points to the fact that celebrities disclosing their states of illness help others to share too, sans shame and guilt. When Meghan spoke, it made headlines in her blockbuster interview that has become a coveted one among the former members of the British Royal family. She largely spoke about her mental health crisis. She confessed how she didn’t wish to live further. That was a real and painstaking thought that stayed with her for the most part. This is not easy to say, but she did. Even Dr. Jessica Gold, a reputed assistant professor working at the department of psychiatry in the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis said how it gave space to most people since she normalized the conversation.

The Fight with Mental Health Stigma

Consider it bad, but there are intense stigmas related to mental health in society. Closely linked to it is discrimination and eventually avoidance. Since these can arrive at any time and in any way, it becomes imperative to have a good work environment, fulfilling and supportive relationships, good housing, food, and the need to belong to social plans. Most people move in the reverse, which is sadly not how it should be countered.

Even earlier, the royals suffered a blow when Princess Diana had disclosed to the world that she had bulimia. That led many women to even seek treatment, as per the British Journal of Psychiatry. Fans of Demi Lovato were awed by her personality when she smartly declared about her bipolar disorder. Ever since the negative stereotypes concerning this condition fell.

For People of Color, the Struggle Is Tougher

Markle did a wonderful job by revealing her innermost feelings as this became the way for most people of color to look for mental health treatment. It is not an unknown fact that the Black community deals with higher depression rates, anxiety, and paranoid behavioral patterns, owing to their complexion.

Roughly, one in every three Black Americans has a mental health disorder that needs an urgent cure. Meghan herself has been a person of color who described her struggles and that resonated with most women who find themselves victimized owing to the same. Her expressing has opened the doors for most women to come to the forefront and render strong support.

The Step That Needs to be Taken

We understand how difficult it can get to ask for help, especially when no one else had been around. The practice needs to begin today, at home itself. Call up your loved ones to ensure they’re doing fine or are feeling comfortable enough. There’s nothing wrong with seeking support. If you have health insurance, contact your insurer and find a healthcare provider who has a range of diverse options at his or her disposal. Those who don’t have insurance can try free or even low and medium-cost options in their cities. Local academic hospitals and social media groups too, form handy outlets for support.

Meghan’s story is like many others. But she had implemented wise actionable steps and coping mechanisms at the correct times.

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